2022 Recipients - Eli Ackerman & Bella Andjelkovic
Eli was captain of both the WHS Ski and Golf teams who also played lacrosse and football while Bella was captain of WHS Volleyball and also played Basketball during her time at WHS. Both Bella and Eli were awarded FCIAC Exemplary Scholar Athlete Awards and sportsmanship awards during their athletic careers. In the classroom both Bella (3.97 cumulative GPA) and Eli (3.98 cumulative GPA) were outstanding students who were active in both the Nation and Foreign Language Honor Societies and consistently placed on High Honor Roll. In addition to their athletic and academic successes, both Eli and Bella were very active in clubs and activities with a focus on helping others. Bella was an executive council member for Peervention, Amnesty International Secretary, MS President US Club Vice President and founded two clubs (FARE and Go Green Team) at WHS. Eli was Co-President for Peervention and Peer Mediation groups. He was a St. Baldrick’s lead organizer for 2 years setting donation level records both years, multi-year lead organizer for the Socks For Soldiers program and volunteered time at Filling In The Blanks. He also co-lead a group of students and teachers who created and shared a PSA video providing education and information on kidney disease affecting a beloved member of the WHS faculty – this effort ultimately led to a donor being found and a successful transplant. This Fall Bella will be attending Davidson College and Eli will be attending Boston College.