2021 Community Outreach Recipient – Disabled American Veterans CT Service Foundation
Arthur J. Wall Memorial Scholarship Fund recently announced the 2021 recipient of the fund’s Community Outreach Program, awarding $5,000 to the Disabled American Veterans CT Service Foundation (DAV CT). As part of this year’s contribution, members of the Wall family went a step further, meeting with several members of the military receiving care at Walter Reed Medical Center and Fort Belvoir.
The DAV CT mission is to empower veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. They accomplish this by making sure veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interest of America’s injured heroes on Capitol Hill and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life. One hundred percent of donations made to DAV CT are used to directly benefit wounded troops and disabled veterans.
Past recipients of the annual $5,000 gift have been Trackside Teen Center, Wilton Police Gift Fund, Wilton Youth Council, Wilton Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Wilton Student Financial Aid Committee, Riverbrook Regional YMCA, Wilton Children’s Library, Child Guidance Center of Lower Fairfield County, and Stay at Home Wilton.
2021 Community Outreach Recipient DAV CT (photo taken at USO Offices - Bethesda NSA)